And Doctors? That’s another story in itself. My mental image of a Doctor was that of a sadistic devil with a syringe as his sole weapon, running behind me to give me a ‘shot’! Maybe it was just my doctor alone who enjoyed poking my arm with his needle even at the slightest bodily dysfunction. Not a happy memory!
The point? This was years ago, let’s come back to today then! The brand image of Hospitals and Doctors has changed in my mind’s eye completely. I no longer associate words like sickness, trouble and debilitation to hospitals. They are now places where people ‘heal’, get ‘cured’, are helped to overcome their problems.
And Doctors? Yes, they are no longer the demons of my imagination, they are men and women dressed in white/green who are guardians of life here on Earth doing God’s job! I don’t see needles anymore. I see stethoscopes, prescriptions and medicines! All saying that ‘things are under control’.
In our country we proudly have a huge network of both Government and Private hospitals. Government hospitals/Civil hospitals/Military hospitals cater to both poor and the rich. But Private Hospitals that promise and deliver world class health care services can only be afforded by the wealthy!
Each city and state has its own medical facility for patients. But some well known brands such as Fortis, Apollo, are located all over the country with their Hospitals in Hyderabad, Delhi, Bengaluru, etc. They offer the best rooms, best medical care, and will give you the best treatment there is!
In fact the Hospitals in Hyderabad especially, are famous for their low cost treatment. Though the doctors in Hyderabad are a little behind in the kind of expertise the doctors in Delhi possess. People travel the world to be treated by these miracle workers in Delhi.
I feel so proud today knowing that in our country there are doctors who are specialists in all diseases of the mind and body, and at the first sign of any problem I know that there are hospitals in all cities everyone can easily go to and get relief. Because with the medical centers across India “It’s All Taken Care Of!”
Sarabpreet Batra is a student and currently in her final year of MBE(Masters of Business Economics). She has to her credit a sound academic background. She enjoys writing, listening to music, watching movies and comedy sitcoms.
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