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Friday, 30 December 2011

It’s time to Move on for Vishal Bansal

Today is the last working day at Grotal for Vishal Bansal. Vishal was working at Grotal as graphic designer and has been associated with Grotal from last two years.

As he has decided to move on in life, the Grotal team here would like to thank him for valuable contribution and wish him all the very best for future life.

You have been and will remain an important part of Grotal success.


  1. Thax Alot mr. Vinay Kumar ( SEO Grotal ). I miss u all and Seasia.

    Jai Seasia
    Jai Grotal

  2. Hi Vishal Banshal,

    We will too miss you. Wish you a happy new year.

    Jai Saisia
    Jai Grotal

    Vinay Kumar

  3. Hi Vinay Sir
    pls check the spell of the Banshal and the Saisia

    for further information Feel free to contact with me

    Vishal Bansal
