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Thursday, 29 March 2012

Auto CAD Courses in Kurukshetra

This is presentation on by Addy Sandy.
Presentation is about Auto CAD Courses in Kurukshetra. provides you best center in kurukshetra for CAD Courses.

Auto CAD Courses in Kurukshetra - Grotal

Monday, 26 March 2012

Where you can find Top Ice Cream Parlours in Mumbai

Ice cream is the dessert that can be enjoy in all seasons. The days are gone when it was considered as the summer’s delight. Now people want to enjoy ice cream in winters also. Normally we don’t need any reason to enjoy ice cream. But if you are living in Mumbai the hot and humid city, ice cream is the thing you will surely go for.

According to the reports the leading brand of ice cream in terms of popularity is Amul. The other brands like Vadilal, Havmor, Kwality Walls, and Natural are also in the top list.

Where you can find top Ice Cream Parlours in Mumbai:

Amul: Amul represents itself with the slogan “Real Milk, Real Ice Cream”. Amul is India’s largest dairy cooperative industries. Amul ice cream was first launched on 10th march, 1996 by Amul in Gujarat. In 1997 Amul ice creams was entered in Mumbai and within two years Amul dominates the ice cream market of Mumbai. The product tree of Amul ice cream contains 220 varieties of ice cream. Amul offers sticks, cones, cups, bricks as ice cream products. It was the first company which launches first sugar free ice cream in India. The targeted customers were the health conscious and the diabetic people who otherwise can’t enjoy this dessert.

The places where you can buy Amul ice cream in Mumbai are D mart at Malad west, Food Right at Mulund west, Mount Merry stores at Bandra west , Rohit Kumar and company at Ghatkopar east.

Vadilal: Vadilal is the renowned ice cream brand from the group Vadilal Industries Limited. It was introduced in 1926 in Gujarat. Soon it gets popular all India because of its variety of flavors. The quality is good and the prices are reasonable, that’s why it posses 22 awards in 3 years.
Vadilal ice cream is available at Sidhi ice creams at Kalyan city, Varsha Enterprises at Sion, New Golden ice cream at Borivali west.

Havmor: The name itself suggests have more. It sounds like have more ice cream at low cost. It was launched in 1944 in Karachi. Post independence the ice cream was made manually and was delivered on a hand-cart. But now days it reaches to thousands of customers and having approximately 20000 dealers and 100 outlets.

Havmor is available at Havmor ice cream Parlours at Andheri West, Colaba at Malad West and at Santacruz West.

Natural: The brand was first launched in 1984 in Mumbai with only one parlor at Juhu. But now it has 70 outlets. As the name suggests Natural ice cream boosts as the initiators of making ice creams by using dry fruits, fruits, milk, chocolates and sugar. They add no artificial colors or preservatives, that’s why Natural ice cream is delicious and nutritious.

Natural ice cream is available at Natural ice cream Parlours at Andheri West, Bandra West, Dadar West, and Borivali west.

Kwality Walls: A Kwality wall was the first Indian company which uses imported technologies for making ice creams. In 1995 Kwality group merges with Hindustan lever Limited as business partners for manufacturing ice cream on a commercial scale. Today Kwality Walls Parlours are the biggest ice cream chains in India.

You can have this frozen delight at Sahakari Bhandar at Matunga, Marble Fresh at Jogeshwari West, Mudra ice cream at Kandivali West.

Want to have more details of ice cream Parlours in Mumbai? Just click on the link and enjoy this delicious dessert this summer.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

How fashion & technology compliment each other

Traditionally fashion was something limited to minor changes in dress styles or start of a new hair trend or hats etc. But nowadays fashion is not about minor changes, it has become a matter of technology.  In today's world where youth is crazy about gadgets, styles, fashion, looks and internet everything needs to be convincing. No fashion can gain popularity until and unless its convincing and revolutionary.

This gave rise to a new industry called fashion technology. Lots of retailers and manufacturers stared investing a lot and hiring experts to make fashion more trendy and become viral with the audience. Business now use every possible media to advertise their products be it TV, internet, mobiles or print media.

Fashion and technology now compliment each other. Technology is not only being used to market/advertise the fashion products but also being introduced in the fashion industry right from designing to the production. E.g. 3D scanning of  human bodies enabled designers to have virtual try of every product manufactured in the factory rather than using dolls or dummies as it has been done in the past. Thus custom fitted garments, shoes or other products can be easily designed and manufactured with 100% accuracy and virtual try gives the freedom to test from different body angles in 3D.  Same concept is also being used by various showrooms to let customers take a look and their look alike image on screen and how the selected clothing will look and fit on their body. This is definitely an enhancement is the shopping experience.  Now no need to trust the opinion of the salesperson, spouse or other companions to decide whether to purchase a product or not.

I'd also like to share my 2 separate blogs on Fashion and Technology. You can take a look and share your feedback regarding those two blogs as well. In the mean time I plan to share more about the evolution of fashion and technology cocktail in the future post. Signing off for now.

Have a great day ahead.

Monday, 12 March 2012

Because It’s All Taken Care Of!!

Years ago, when I was under 15, I dreaded ‘hospitals’. There was something ominous about them, something that made me cringe in my heart. You understand, right? If you’re told someone close to you has been shifted to a hospital for whatever reason that maybe, it is NOT good news! I always took a ‘hospital’ as a sign of warning, foreboding.

And Doctors? That’s another story in itself. My mental image of a Doctor was that of a sadistic devil with a syringe as his sole weapon, running behind me to give me a ‘shot’! Maybe it was just my doctor alone who enjoyed poking my arm with his needle even at the slightest bodily dysfunction. Not a happy memory!

The point? This was years ago, let’s come back to today then! The brand image of Hospitals and Doctors has changed in my mind’s eye completely. I no longer associate words like sickness, trouble and debilitation to hospitals. They are now places where people ‘heal’, get ‘cured’, are helped to overcome their problems.

And Doctors? Yes, they are no longer the demons of my imagination, they are men and women dressed in white/green who are guardians of life here on Earth doing God’s job! I don’t see needles anymore. I see stethoscopes, prescriptions and medicines! All saying that ‘things are under control’.

In our country we proudly have a huge network of both Government and Private hospitals. Government hospitals/Civil hospitals/Military hospitals cater to both poor and the rich. But Private Hospitals that promise and deliver world class health care services can only be afforded by the wealthy!

Each city and state has its own medical facility for patients. But some well known brands such as Fortis, Apollo, are located all over the country with their Hospitals in Hyderabad, Delhi, Bengaluru, etc. They offer the best rooms, best medical care, and will give you the best treatment there is!

In fact the Hospitals in Hyderabad especially, are famous for their low cost treatment. Though the doctors in Hyderabad are a little behind in the kind of expertise the doctors in Delhi possess. People travel the world to be treated by these miracle workers in Delhi.

I feel so proud today knowing that in our country there are doctors who are specialists in all diseases of the mind and body, and at the first sign of any problem I know that there are hospitals in all cities everyone can easily go to and get relief. Because with the medical centers across India “It’s All Taken Care Of!”

Sarabpreet Batra is a student and currently in her final year of MBE(Masters of Business Economics). She has to her credit a sound academic background. She enjoys writing, listening to music, watching movies and comedy sitcoms.

This article is about Doctors and Hospitals in India. For more info just click on

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Grotal Mohali - Ad your Business

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As a visitor you can find virtually any busuiness, services or product in Grotal. Please visit for more information. You can also send us an email, call us or visit our office in Mohali and we can assist you further.