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Tuesday, 31 January 2012

‘Warmth and style both?? Yes! You heard it!’

I often winced when I looked at women at weddings and parties during winters. My first reaction, ‘ Tsk tsk, aren’t they cold?’

As a kid I laughed thinking maybe the ‘aunties’ have got the season wrong! Someone should go and whisper in their ear, ‘I’m sorry! But it’s winter time! Aren’t you a little under-dressed for the season and oh, by the way, aren’t you freezing?’ I mean who in their right minds would wear sleeveless suits n dresses, low cut backless blouses when it’s 5 degrees outside? Whatever happened to sweaters and jackets?

I get the answer now when I’m one of the ‘big girls’ myself. If you’re a woman the answer is more of a rule- “You can’t compromise on fashion! You just can’t! Even if it means you have to torment your body at sub-zero levels of temperature.’

Funny how things change with age, now I ask who in their right minds would wear a sweater or a jacket over a pretty looking dress and hide it. You spend so much money on the embroidery, on the glitter of the sequins, on the custom fit design, why would you not want the world to see it?

Then do you reckon winters mean shivering to death in the name of fashion? No!
I am still confused about who first thought of ‘shawls’. Was it the Persians? The British? The Indians? Or did they all think of it at the same time but India just did the best job at it? The fact remains, shawls made in India have been ruling over any other shawls made anywhere in the world since ages now and as far as I am concerned all I can say is God bless whoever invented them!

I’ve literally seen women wear the nicest dresses and ruin them with cardigans and sweaters. Apparently, you still don’t have many options in the sweater/jacket/over-coat sections.

Shawls have come as saviors, to save millions from committing fashion faux pas. Wrap them around the shoulders and you’re good to go! A neatly folded shawl, draped over the body covering just the arms and shoulders gives you the dual benefit, style and warmth!

Initially Kashmiri Pashmina shawls dominated the market. But for most people, the pleasure and the pride in owning even one of the pure pashmina shawls is still only a dream because of their towering prices but the good news is they aren’t the only options anymore. There’s a new emerging market of woolen shawls in Ludhiana, Amritsar and Delhi. These shawls made in Punjab and outside Kashmir may not be of the finest quality but they sure do the intended job well. What more could you ask for? Of course if you’re one of those filthy rich ‘party’ people, then Pashmina/cashmere is always vintage and never goes out of vogue and will give you guaranteed head turns!

Shawls have gone so trendy over time that girls, ladies, every one is wearing one. Picture a color and a design and chances are you’ll see it printed on a shawl.

You would think that these shawls are doing rounds only in India. You would be surprised to know the revenue generated from the export trade of these shawls. There’s a list of Woolen shawls Exporters in India and Designer shawls Exporters in India, who have been in the export business long enough and are still making profits by the day.

To top that all these Woolen shawls Exporters in India and Designer shawls Exporters in India especially in Punjab and Kashmir are finding it difficult to meet the growing worldwide demand. It’s as if suddenly everyone knows a deep secret and wants to get their hands on all shawls, any shawls -woolen, synthetic, pashmina as long as they’re coming from India.

Wouldn’t it be silly if you still didn’t have one in your wardrobe especially when they’ve become so affordable and are so very stylish? No matter what age you are, a mirror never lies just try one and take your pick!

Article by Sarabpreet Kaur: Sarabpreet (Preeti) is an amateur content writer who focus mainly on topics related to fashion and women wear. Her hobbies include traveling and reading novels.
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