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Friday, 21 October 2011

Readymade Garments Exporters India Seek Lift of VAT from Readymade Garments

Readymade garments industry in India is facing a tough competition from the garment exporters from China, Indonesia, Thailand, and Taiwan. The readymade garments industry in the mentioned countries is already in the advanced or developed staged, thus there is a heavy inflow of garment from these countries to India. Due to which the industry in India is facing a tough competition, competitive prices and as a results many industries are facing heavy losses.

In some states garment factories are already seeking aid from the Indian government to help them face the situation and find the solution to this. One such effected state is Rajasthan where the members of the Readymade Garments India committee had asked the government to life the 5% VAT from the government exporters. After the meeting the committee spokesman told the media that they will be submitting a written application to the concerned department and seek the concession in VAT. This they say will help the customer as well

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